Beyond the Music: Get to Know Carlos Vives on a Personal Level | Billboard In Conversation

Carlos Vives sat down with Billboard’s Leila Cobo at Vina del Mar and shared personal stories about his life, like going with his dad to sing for patients in the hospital, his South American tour El Rock de Mi Pueblo Vive and more.  Leila Cobo:Carlos Vives. Did you see the set we made for you […]

Beyond the Music: Get to Know Carlos Vives on a Personal Level | Billboard In Conversation

Carlos Vives sat down with Billboard’s Leila Cobo at Vina del Mar and shared personal stories about his life, like going with his dad to sing for patients in the hospital, his South American tour El Rock de Mi Pueblo Vive and more. 

Leila Cobo:
Carlos Vives. Did you see the set we made for you in Viña with the sea behind us?

Carlos Vives:
No, no, no please. You look like the queen of the sea, Leila.

I was just about to say that this was to remind you of Santa Marta.

Totally, the sea always unites us. Well, greetings to you and to all of our people from Billboard and welcome to Viña del Mar. 

Well, before I ask you anything, I want to ask for that jacket that you have on because it’s so chic and I’m not used to seeing you in a formal mix.

I do mix a little bit of Bogotana things in — aren’t I dressed really Bogotano right now?

Really? That’s the thing for Bogotanas?    

Yeah, but with tennis shoes. Like this. 

Those silver tennis shoes.

Silver? Yes, you know a mix. And you know that one always … I’ve had … My dad always said that I have an old soul since I was little because I liked to be around the older people. And now that I am older, I like being with the bald ones. So you see I have a mix of– 

A mix of the old and a mix of the new. And I love that you told me that because I thought, “I’ve interviewed Carlos so many times and now with the Person of the Year they talked to him about cumbia and tradition.” And today I want to explore Carlos … the other side of Carlos that a lot of people don’t know about. 

Keep watching for more!