Here Are the Top Artists of the 21st Century … Born in the 21st Century

Billie Eilish reigns among acts not yet born at the start of Y2K.

Here Are the Top Artists of the 21st Century … Born in the 21st Century

Some of the biggest artists of the 21st century weren’t yet born when the century began.

Billie EilishBillboard’s top artist of the first quarter of the century who was born in the first quarter of the century — made her (non-chart) debut on Dec. 18, 2001. Runner-up Olivia Rodrigo was born Feb. 20, 2003. Third-ranked The Kid LAROI arrived six months later.

What was life like in those ancient times? In the Billboard print issue the week that Rodrigo was born, such news included, “MTV is promoting music from developing artists via a new series on-air and through its Web site”; The Bourne Identity debuted at No. 1 on the Top DVD Sales, Top DVD Rentals and Top VHS Rentals charts; and (more presciently) the following exchange wrapped an interview with Daryl Hall and John Oates:

  • Billboard: So what’s up for the next and possibly final 30 years?
  • Oates: The final 30? A good chance of that … [laughs]

Despite having a relatively limited time to make their mark, several acts born in the 2000s shine with impressive histories on the Billboard 200 and Billboard Hot 100.

As Billboard celebrates the top-performing artists, albums and songs of the first 25 years of the century since 2000, browse below, the top artists of the 21st century … born in the 21st century.


Plus, check out Top Artists of the 21st Century, Top Billboard 200 Albums of the 21st Century and Billboard’s Top Hot 100 Songs of the 21st Century charts, as well as all coverage of Billboard’s 21st Century charts here.

Billboard’s Top Artists, Top Billboard 200 Albums and Top Hot 100 Songs of the 21st Century recaps reflect performance on weekly charts dated Jan. 1, 2000, through Dec. 28, 2024. The Top Artists category, including the Top Artists of the 21st Century … Born in the 21st Century recap, ranks the best-performing acts in that span based on activity on the Billboard 200 and Billboard Hot 100. (Titles released prior to mid-1999 [not an issue for this feature …] are excluded, although such entries that appeared on the Billboard 200 or Hot 100 in that span contribute to the calculation of the Top Artists chart.)