Love Is Blind’s Virginia Explains Her Personality Change

She’s not just a sweet voice.

Love Is Blind’s Virginia Explains Her Personality Change
Photo: Daniel Boczarski/Netflix

The Virginia Miller we met during Love Is Blind is not the Virginia we got at the reunion. The soft-voiced, baby-talking woman transformed into a confident speaker who refused to accept any of her ex-fiance Devin Buckley’s measly statements and insisted on being as clear as she could about her own politics. At a Love Is Blind reunion screening at SXSW, Virginia explained her change in approach. “There was a lot I didn’t say during the season out of protection for Devin,” she said. “Love, for me, is protection and loyalty, so I was very loyal to the person that I was in a relationship with.” But that all changed when he cut contact with her after the wedding. “So privileges revoked,” Miller said. “No more protecting Devin. I was standing and speaking my truth.”

It was important to Miller to make her beliefs known, she explained. “Watching it back, I was like, ‘Mmmm, that wasn’t super clear, let me be 100 perfect clear so people know where I stand,’” she said. At the reunion, she announced: “I 100 percent support the LGBTQ community. I also believe that women should have the decision to choose if they want to have an abortion or not. I also believe that different religions should be valued — that is our different ways of communicating to God, like different languages. These were really important things to me … this was an important part of this decision.”

Viewing the season was very difficult for her, Miller added at the SXSW event. “It was an emotional rollercoaster because I haven’t talked to this person in a year,” she said. “I feel a little betrayed and neglected and not loved, but I also see how much I was in it, and how much I did love him, and how much my family wanted to support me.” That’s about the sweetest kiss-off we can imagine for an ex whose idea of a great gift is a basketball.
